Probably the only place on the entire Internet containing the answer to the questions of who The Mighty Grēgør is and how he came to be.



The Mighty Greegor is not a band. Not exactly. I decided to record a song for a friend one day, and I enjoyed the process and the result, so I went back, over and over again. It sort of became my hobby that year. That would have been 2008 or 2009, I think, in Jakarta.  Later, as a COVID project, I put together another album, which I released in 2022. That was with several friends in Shenyang, China; most of us, like the rest of the world, were at loose ends in those days. As for the stupid name, well, that was an accident. I had earned the nickname of Igor years ago for my habit of going barefoot, and that became Gregor, because my name is Greg (get it? Get it? Har har har). That turned into The Mighty Gregor because the nickname stuck and when people heard Gregor, they thought it sounded like a superhero or space-man, so some clever guy added “the mighty”. I play with the spelling just to get the pronunciation right. Then I attached it to my first album, which I never intended to release, and THEN that album got spread all over the Internet, and when it came to the second album, well, I was kind of stuck with it, so there’s that story.

The Mighty Greegor – Album: Highlights! · 2022

The Mighty Greegor – Album: One Mang Bang · 2009

Musical Memories

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