I Didn’t Write This Post

I Didn’t Write This Post

Well, except for this introduction.  One of my students introduced me to ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/chat) with the artwork created by DALL-E (https://labs.openai.com/e/qsqis4bGLAOZyQnoLDQh7yOK).  This is….very weird: Hello, my name is Assistant and I...

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The Holiday Edition

The Holiday Edition

Today I posted another cartoon.  This one was made as a request from my sister.  Sis, I hope you’re not disappointed.  The request was to make a cartoon about how American expats celebrate the holiday season in foreign countries.  At first, I thought that would be a...

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The One Where I Lived In A Haunted House

The One Where I Lived In A Haunted House

《This is kind of an interesting post.  I actually wrote it for another blog, one which is currently on hold, putting it as mildly as possible.  I actually have a few posts from there that might be good here, both for language learning and for expat...

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My First Georgia Visa Run

My First Georgia Visa Run

Here’s another cartoon.  This one is a bit longer, and you’ve already read the story here (maybe, for my one or two subscribers), but here’s a short cartoon version of it.  It’s on YouTube obviously, but I want it here too, so here you are:...

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Kiwiville Pt. 2

Kiwiville Pt. 2

This carries on from an earlier post.  Might be an idea to have read that before reading this.  OK… ARRIVAL AND ADJUSTMENT, LIFE AS AN EXPAT It took some adjustment, as you can imagine.  It was my first time abroad for any length of time.  A couple...

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Spanish Class

Spanish Class

I know that I need to get back to my Kiwiville story, and I will. Maybe I’ll be able to do it tomorrow, but within the week, surely. But this evening, I didn’t do that because instead, I did this…

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I've touched on this briefly, as you'll know if you're one of the three or four people who actually read this. But it was more about the idea of becoming an expat, not so much my story. So here's the story. I first left the U.S. at 26 years old in 1991. I'm not...

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I just made my first visa run to Armenia the other day.

I just made my first visa run to Armenia the other day.

I worry about things.  It’s just in my nature, and I don’t do anything about it, because the way I see it, it’s a reasonable and realistic way to approach the world in general and in particular, things that I have never done before.  Optimism may not always...

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Los Ombligos

Los Ombligos

That was the name of my relatively short-lived band in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Los Ombligos.  The Bellybuttons.  And yes, it’s every bit as stupid in Spanish as it is in English.  The guys and I were pretty stoned when we came up with that name, to be honest.  When the time...

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Hello, my big kitty

Hello, my big kitty

You may have read my goodbye to my little kitty, Qiqi.  That’s still painful to think about, but she had a brother, Erer, and he and I are carrying on. I can now think and talk about Qiqi without crying, but I can’t do that if I see her picture or think about her in...

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I have been an expat for more than 30 years now. I’m originally from the United States, though at this point that hardly matters. In that time, I’ve played music with bands and recorded and released solo music, I’ve been an English teacher for most of that time, and now I’m doing a blog about all of it.