When I talk, I usually (though certainly not always) use words, as ya do. Somehow, it gets me in trouble with other Americans. This is why I avoid talking to them. Not that that is very hard to do; Americans don’t travel much, at least not outside of...
Expat Communities and Their Activities
Considering how many years I have been living abroad, and how many countries I’ve lived in, it should come as no surprise that I have been acquainted with more than a few expat communities. No matter what country/city I’ve found myself in, there have been a fair few...
Speaking Nightmare
Do you find it hard to speak English in public? And every time you try to do something about it, you either get stuck or can’t even get started. Don’t worry, you are absolutely not alone. The comedian Jerry Seinfeld once famously pointed out that public speaking was...
A New Project
I’ve just uploaded a new cartoon video to YouTube about a new booklet I’ve just released called The Skint Expat’s Key To English. Check out the video here if you like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8zOK9cEY1c Or else you can go into Amazon Kindle and find the...
How To Book A (Free?) Trial Lesson
I’ve just made a video for YouTube on how to book a trial lesson. I wrote pretty simple instructions on the Study English page, and Karol made a pretty good visual to illustrate that, but now there’s a video, it’s on YouTube, and it puts my face to the product....
The One Where I Lived In A Haunted House
《This is kind of an interesting post. I actually wrote it for another blog, one which is currently on hold, putting it as mildly as possible. I actually have a few posts from there that might be good here, both for language learning and for expat...
How much is too much? How much is enough?
If you’re trying to learn a language, these are really good questions, and the answers (my answers, anyway) might surprise you. They are not “my” answers, in the sense that I’m not the only one who says this, but I did, however, come up with them independently, as...
I have been an expat for more than 30 years now. I’m originally from the United States, though at this point that hardly matters. In that time, I’ve played music with bands and recorded and released solo music, I’ve been an English teacher for most of that time, and now I’m doing a blog about all of it.